Promoting a product when working with online marketing (affiliate marketing, e-marketing, etc…) is one of the most important steps required, because without a good promotion sales will not occur.
In order to promote a product you must first take into consideration the niche’s needs and desires. When promoting a product the choice of words, templates for the web-site (if you have one), etc…, must try and create some psychological pressure on the customer to buy the product. If you are interested in learning more about how to affect a customer’s psychology, go to the web-site mentioned at the bottom of this article and enter the psychology area in the online marketing section.
Moving on to the different ways/tools to promote a product, it is important to mention that there are both free and paid ones.
Free ways include:
1. Article Writing
Write an article and submit it to different article databases like Ezine, Squidoo, HubPages, etc… By doing so you get many different benefits; first of all these sites have high rankings inside search engines (meaning a better exposure of your promotion). Second, some of these (like Squidoo and HubPages) share the amount of revenue they make with AdSense in your articles with you (meaning an extra income benefit); and much more.
2. Forum Posting
Write on forums and contribute (usually you may place your link in a space below posts).
3. Blog Posting
Same as with forums, but in here you will need to post the link.
4. Social Networks
Post the link to the product (or site where you promote it) on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc…, and tell those who are in your network to check it out.
5. Tell your friends
The advantage of telling your friends is based on credibility (which is a psychological factor), which will make a sale more probable.
6. E-Mail Marketing
Either send a message to everyone on your list, or create a new list (go to the site shown below to see an example, and at the same time look at the free online marketing guide).
7. S.E.O.
If you own a web-site and a domain name, using S.E.O. (Search Engine Optimization) is a great way to attract more visitors and generate more sales.
8. And virtually any other you may think of.
Since there is only two paid ways to promote a product/service online that are actually worth mentioning, the following list will mention only these two:
1. A web-site
Creating a web-site doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive, there are several different ways to accomplish this (more on the link shown below).
2. PPC
PPC (Paid Per Click) is a system where you pay for every click made on an ad you posted. The most common and probably useful ones are Google’s and Yahoo’s programs.
So basically not only there are more free ways to promote a product/service you are offering (or affiliated with), but they are more cost-effective (considering they are free and that they may remain for unlimited time). However, do consider getting a web-site, since this may allow a higher conversion rate, and more sales.